Downriver canoes are constructed with closely spaced ribs and higher bows and sterns. These canoes are often sold with canvas coverings and are ideally suited for use in running water and rock-filled rivers, however most canoes are available in either wood/canvas or wood/epoxy hull finishes. The choice of covering is something each paddler must decide on for themselves, and directly relates to the type of paddling that you intend to do. Generally, canvas coverings are better for boats intended for use in running water, while epoxy is preferable for flat water conditions such as in lakes, ponds and slow moving water. Click the links to view PDFs of our Retail Canoe Price List & Short Form Catalog and for information on the differences between Glass-Epoxy and Canvas finishes. All these canoes except the 'Algonquin' are available in either Glass-Epoxy or Canvas finishes.